I had a melt down today, really wanting to GO HOME! and GO HOME with our son. It got to me to think we still have another 2 weeks. Then we get on ESPN and I find out that the GATORS lost, FSU wins and Bama got stomped on by S.Carolina! What a Saturday for football and we MISSED it! I know it sounds like I'm whining but it's hard to take. Just close your eyes and now you were lifted out of your home and placed where you have no idea what people are saying to you, you have no idea what you are eating and you barely sleep. Don't get me wrong, we CHOSE to do this and I would not have it any other way, coming home with this SWEET little boy! I'm just saying that WE MISS EVERYTHING about HOME!
Statue of Stalin Lennin (in the park across from our hotel)
Check out these boots and shoes!
Bryce with other kids(we think these kids are part of a daycare out of the orphanage)
He LOVES backpacks! and he gets so proud to carry it around, SOOO CUTE!
Let me out of this place!!!!
And last but not least, the BEAUTIFUL smile!!
I'm up!!!! Hang in there Kim, it won't be long and you know how worth the outcome will be!!!! We are all anxiously awaiting for you to comw home as a FAMILY!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGive Tom a "Go Noles" from me ;)
Love you much!!! Loving seeing Bryce's smile!!!...Darlene
5 months from now you will have to convince yourself you were actually there and this wasn't all a dream. 5 months from now this time will seem like the blink of an eye. 5 months from now you'll look at Bryce and thank God you listened to His call because you will not even remember what life was like before him! Hang in there, I know its so hard!!
ReplyDeleteHe is so cute! I understand your wanting to be home with Bryce already! I have only been home for less than 48 hours and it feels so good. Visits at the orphanage feel sort of "fake" if you know what I mean. You are so limited in what you can do because you are not home and you are being watched. As soon as Darya was busted out of the orphanage she was almost like a different girl. I'm praying you'll get home soon!! Seriously, you have a place to stay when you come to Gainesville (and if you go to a game you've got babysitting too as I confess I don't watch football!)
ReplyDeleteHang in there! Praying for you from Minnesota. It IS hard to be somewhere when you can't understand anything, the food is so different, and the people you want to talk to back home are on the opposite side of the day. Like someone else said, a few months from now you won't be able to believe you were THERE!
ReplyDeleteone day you will LONG for Ukraine. seriously. while you are there and away from home and it feels against your will to have to stay there(even though it is your choice to adopt and go there) it seems almost the hardest thing ever. but one day you will look back and say remember in Ukraine that time when_____? and sigh and wish you could visit there again. enjoy the food and the people and the sights. this is really a short time in the scheme of lifeps I cant tell you how many times we saw that gate. and I agree I think that is a daycare as we saw many a kid leave there.
ReplyDeleteKim and Tom,
ReplyDeleteThinking of you both. He's so beautiful. You're almost finished!
You've got this!! I love the interactions that you've captured both in video and photo's. He's so loved and he knows it. You're going to have him for the rest of your lives. These last few days of waiting are slow and sometimes painful, but will pale in comparision to what lies ahead. God Bless you as a family for your sacrifice and committment to this sweet precious boy.
Just when you think you can't take it anymore, just look at Bryce with that adorable smile. He is worth all this and more. Besides, you wouldn't have wanted to see that Gator game, LSU pulled out that win in the last few seconds. Hang in there, you're almost home!
ReplyDeleteI think your melt down is a normal part of this process, cause I had one too our first night in region and have heard that lots of folks do. Now, the thing that's killing me is this darn 10 day wait! It's almost over though :)